Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Meggido! A great place to visit! You can feel the history seep through your shoes!

The very steep staircase to the fortress well. A very neat descent. 180 steps straight down! Still functional well after all these years!

Then a visit to Nazareth and the Church of the Ascension. A very beautiful church built over the ruins of a Byzantine Church built over the same site. Followed by a crusader church! The incorporated some of the walls of the older churches into the building, very cool!

Then Capernum, the site of most of Jesus' teachings!

And of course a visit to the battlefields of the Golan heights! Yours truly on a tank.


  1. Phillip
    A whole week into your vacation and you have finally found your most trusted mode of Transportation!!
    The Pictures are great, thanks for remembering all of us back here at home. I am very jealous you know. Hello to Dolly!!

  2. Hey you two....
    Finally, a picture of Phil. I was starting to think he didn't trust Dolly with the camera!...lol. Phil, you look like a general in the Floridian Army. Great pic of the Capernum. I think I recall reading about the place in the Bible, but not sure. How is the weather there? looks comfortable. "Tanks" for the pictures and keep `em rolling!....Randy
